Tag Archives: Flagler College

Flagler College Tour

My second trip back to St. Augustine was just as wonderful as the first. I visited a  few new places: the brewery, the winery, and Lightner Museum, but the highlight of the trip was the Flagler College tour!

Flagler College Tour

The first time I went to St. Augustine I was told multiple times to book a tour to visit Flagler College. So, my next visit to St. Augustine was centered around going on the tour and I was not disappointed. Being in St. Augustine already made me feel like I had gone back in time, but when I walked through the gates onto the Flagler campus I felt transported back even further. The architecture is incredible. The orange-red clay used on the college is beautiful, the details intricate. There is a large fountain in the center, with different sculptures posted at each hour. Continue reading Flagler College Tour →