Everglades Trip

The Everglades

Visiting the Everglades is a bucket list item that I’ve had in my sights since I moved to Florida. I just couldn’t make up my mind how to see the Everglades: a boat tour, an airboat ride, or simply go for a visit near a park entrance and try my luck. Then I ran across an article on the Shark Valley Tram Tour. A picture of the Shark Valley Observation Tower caught my eye and I knew I had just stumbled upon the inspiration for my trip. Continue reading Everglades Trip →

Flagler College Tour

My second trip back to St. Augustine was just as wonderful as the first. I visited a  few new places: the brewery, the winery, and Lightner Museum, but the highlight of the trip was the Flagler College tour!

Flagler College Tour

The first time I went to St. Augustine I was told multiple times to book a tour to visit Flagler College. So, my next visit to St. Augustine was centered around going on the tour and I was not disappointed. Being in St. Augustine already made me feel like I had gone back in time, but when I walked through the gates onto the Flagler campus I felt transported back even further. The architecture is incredible. The orange-red clay used on the college is beautiful, the details intricate. There is a large fountain in the center, with different sculptures posted at each hour. Continue reading Flagler College Tour →

My Favorite Rides at Universal Orlando

Just like with my Disney post, there are numerous posts on Universal Orlando. I decided to write a post listing my favorite Universal Orlando rides since this a question I get asked a lot. Let’s get this straight before we start, there are two parks at Universal: Islands of Adventure and Universal Studios. Islands of Adventure has more coasters and water rides, Universal Studios is, in my opinion, more for kids, although my favorite ride is located there! If you’re a huge Harry Potter fan, go ahead and spend the money on the park to park ticket since there are two Harry Potter parks, one in each (smart move, Universal). Plus, you can ride the Hogwarts Express between parks so it’s worth it. Here are my favorite rides:

Islands of Adventure

Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey:
Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey ride at Universal Florida
Harry Potter ride at Universal Orlando

Continue reading My Favorite Rides at Universal Orlando →